Thursday, October 23, 2008

First we go around the tree then we jump over the dinosaur's tail..

Dora Dora Dora the Explorer! Boots y Super Cool Exploradora!

Of all the jobs in the entire world, I think mine is by far the best! Sure, I'm not making millions, traveling the world or starring in movies but I wouldn't trade my title with anyone!

We recently finished a series at church on parenting. It really made me rethink the way I do things and the reasoning behind it all. God gave us children as a blessing. I tend to think of it more as a task, not an opportunity. To be able to bring my kids to work with me is the greatest blessing. I never wanted someone else to raise my kids for me. I understand that some people don't have the option to stay home with their kids, which is why I feel so lucky that I can bring mine along. It's so amazing to see the kids interact with eachother. Toby, Molly and Landon have SOO much fun making up stories and playing games and Bella is growing so fast being able to watch the big kids and learn from them! It still surprises me that these little ones running, singing and dancing around are little tiny versions of us grown ups.

Sometimes I worry that I'm not doing a good job 'training them up in the ways of the Lord' and then I see the three year olds sharing with eachother, helping eachother.. If you ask Toby who loves him, "God does!" "Where's the Holy Spirit Toby?" "He's in my heart"..It brings tears to my eyes hearing his tiny voice, knowing that HE knows he is loved not just by Mommy and Daddy, but my the Almighty God! I pray I can bring the same knowledge to all of my kids and all of the kids in my life that aren't technically mine :)