Thursday, May 20, 2010

Project Two

Well, this wasn't on my list, mostly because I'd forgotten about it until the hubby cleaned up the closet!

We have ugly fake wood paneling around one part of a wall and I've somewhat hidden it w/ a bookshelf, DVD racks and a shelf. Some projects I did last year included pictures I made using scrapbook paper and frames that I'd gotten on the cheap. It fancied up the Ugly Wall but it still needed more and thus, Project Two.

My mom had gotten these cute little shelves and then ended up not needing them so I said I would gladly take them off her hands! I'd searched for the perfect place and decided the Ugly Wall deserved them. I LOVE how it turned out!

(Note the frames above..)

Our baby spider plant is rooting, Toby picked me the daisy and Bella gave me the bleeding hearts..

My cousin gave us these adorable little jars for our anniversary last year. I LOVE them!!

Stay tuned for more projects!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Project One

One down, thirty to go..

I have several picture frames that I want to paint black and put my photographs in, making a sort of collage tied together by the matching frames.

I painted the first one today and I love it even more than I thought I would!!

Check it out! (Sorry, the lighting wasn't great therefore the pictures aren't great but you get the idea.. its black, I know, it looks green..)

So, I took the glass out before painting the frame and I set it on my chair, standing against the back rest.. then I forgot about it, leaned back and *crash!!* it shattered.. oops..

31/31 Challenge

One of my friends gave herself a challenge: 31 projects in 31 days.

I'm going to join her!!

There are soo many projects I've been putting off because they're just not fun. Filing papers, sorting kids' toys..

So here is my list (part of it anyway..)

*File/shred paperwork, etc
*Organize closets (we have 5 of them so this may get broken down into separate tasks!)
*Sort the kids' clothes, donate/yard sale/pack what doesn't fit them
*Sort our clothes, donate/yard sale what we don't wear
*Organize/de-clutter the kitchen (we've accumulated so many gadgets and unnecessary stuff there!)
*Re-decorate for spring/summer (shelves, table, piano)
*Journal. I used to be really good at writing and I want to learn it again
*Read. I have a list of probably 50 books (more I'm sure) and I want to get in the habit of reading every day

I know there are plenty of other projects I'll come up with but I'd say that is a pretty good list to start with!!

Updates to come...