Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm watching this woman yelling, 'crying out' to God. She's getting the audience all worked up, asking who has a deeper hunger for God. They're all jumping around yelling like teenagers at a Jonas Brothers concert. "There needs to be something in you for the wildness of God." "Do you see how the glory is starting to move, right over there? We're talking about the realm of visitation, do you want a visitation?" People are jumping, shaking, falling all over each other, 'angelic movement' as she puts it. "You're at about a level 5, there needs to be more of a burden."

I don't know all the Biblical 'rules' on these sorts of things so maybe I'm being too skeptical, but honestly, THIS is the stuff that makes people laugh at Christians. "Do you have the fire of God? I can't hear you.." as the crowd gets collectively louder. "You guys are being too polite.. There needs to be something in you that has a holy riot.."

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33

Oh, now she is blowing on them and yelling. "This is wild, this is fun..who's more wild? Those of you under 30? (not much response) What about the over 50s? (huge response)" Everyone is crowding the stage and reaching out to this woman so she will blow on them as she's yells "FIRE! Whoa!"

"..All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church." 1 Corinthians 14:26

There is no explanation of what they are supposed to want more of. There has been no prayer. The only mention of God has been her telling people they need to release his 'wildness' and she's saying there are realms or pools of his glory around certain people or groups. She is telling people to ask God to make them deliverers so they can break open new territories..but there's no scripture, no prayer, no instruction. Just yelling, seizure-like shaking and blowing. "Whoa, you carry a lot of glory on you. FIRE! FIRE! More fire God, let your glory come.." as this woman screams in laughter. Can we have God's glory on us? I know we can bring glory to God but is the glory on us? It seems like it would be on God. Maybe I don't understand completely, it just seems..not right.

Lord, I ask you to use these people for your glory. Heal these people of the things in their lives that may be keeping them bound. But God, show them your truth. I don't know if whatever is happening is of you or not but you know. You can use anything to further your kingdom so I ask that you do an incredible work in the lives of anyone involved with this.

1 comment:

  1. hey, i just saw your comments on my blog. thank you =) I wish there was a popup thing to tell you when you have comments like on myspace or facebook.

    anyways, i wanted to tell you that this is really well written. It created such a visual in my head! Have you ever written stories or poetry or anything? You seem to have a talent for it!

    I really get upset sometimes with the people out there who make Christians and more importantly GOD look bad. Then I kind of get even more angry with the people who let the experiences they've had or the things they've seen of "Christians" in the past keep them from a relationship with God in the present. But who am I to talk...I did the same thing =P
