Monday, November 9, 2009

Recent Projects

I haven't posted in quite awhile so I thought I'd share some projects I've done since my last post.

My sister and I made some pumpkin & gourd candle holders. You just cut a hole big enough for a tea light and then scoop out all the guts. The candles sat a little low so we put those glass beads (like flattened marbles) in the bottom. We used some of the funky shaped gourds and they looked so great!

This is on a bookshelf at our church. It was antique white which looked good, but just didn't quite fit with the season so I grabbed a bottle of golden something-or-other acrylic paint and used my crackle and chocolate brown acrylic paints to make this beautiful thing!

Again, my sister and I did this one. Friends of ours recently bought their first house and don't have much for it as far as decor so we decided to help them out! We just used a board our dad had laying around (part of a 2x4), sanded it smooth and rounded the edges/corners (with the sander)and painted it with acrylics (the kind in the little bottles in the craft section) We started with a coat of chocolate brown, then used a wispy brush and did a coat of white (leaving some brown showing through) and then a coat of crackle medium, then a coat of antique white (with the wispy brush) then painted the words with black and once it dried, outlined the words with a black permanent marker to make the edges smooth. We scuffed the edges a bit with sand paper for the antique-y look. SO easy (and fun!!) and really cheap!

I just love making cards! I used some scraps of scrapbook paper and the flower and black portion I painted with acrylics on Bristol board. The 'Home' card was for my friends who bought the house.

And there you have it, this is what my life consists of when I'm bored! I love making things and doing little home-y projects and I LOVE not spending money on decor and cards and's a beautiful thing!


  1. So cute! I love all the stuff you did. Your pumpkin candle holders look so warm and homey!

  2. I love, love the HOPE sign. Can you tell me more about the process of painting and crackling it? I'm putting it on my to-do list for sure.

  3. Thanks ladies! It was all so fun!

    Jen - the crackling is SUPER easy. In the craft section of wal*mart (or whatever*mart you go to, or craft store) the little bottles of acrylic paints have clear 'mediums' and there is a crackle one. You do your base coat (a contrasting from your top color) and let it totally dry. Then, paint a generous coat of the crackle medium over the area you want crackled (or the whole project) and let it totally dry. Then put your top coat on. It should start crackling right away, but sometimes it takes just a bit. You have to put a fairly thick coat of crackle on for it to work (or maybe i just got a weird bottle) Then just let it dry! Hope that helps!
