Friday, November 7, 2008

..and that is how the cookie crumbles

The lovely Rachel Dowd tagged me in her post of seven rarely known facts about her (as she was tagged by someone else) so here are my seven tidbits, and I now pass the torch to the lovely Rachael Grubb at Semi-precious Metaphors ! (and you should visit her blog to watch Audrey!)

1| I cannot stand things touching my neck. If I wear a scarf or necklace or, heaven forbid, a turtleneck it takes every ounce of control I can muster up not to have an absolute conniption. (Fun Fact - my mom and sister are the same way..weird)

2| I would die a happy girl if I had only avocados & limes for the rest of my days. (and a little cilantro wouldn't hurt!)

3| When I was 4 years old I decided I wanted to go to Brazil as a missionary. To this day, that is still my dream.

4| I love being pregnant. No, really, if I had to choose between being pregnant for the rest of my life and eating only avocados & limes for the rest of my life..I would have a seriously hard time deciding!! (I don't get morning sickness, swelling or much weight me, I feel SO incredibly blessed!!)

5| I always wanted to be a dancer. (I dance almost as well as Toby can say 'frisbee'..'shribzee')

6| When talking on the phone I have to have it on the left side. If I try to switch ears, I can't understand what the person is saying. It's really weird, I can hear just fine, it just doesn't register in my brain or something.

7| I have never watched: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Casablanca, Brigadoon, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Music Man, Scrooge, An American in Paris, My Fair Lady, Guys and Dolls..the list goes on..I did watch Fiddler on the Roof for the very first time a couple weeks ago.. (Rachel - how could I have gotten past this in your family?!)

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